Social Distancing Playset


Social Distancing Playset

Social distancing seems to be the hardest change we as humans are subjected to, being social creatures, we crave to be amongst our loved ones, to not be alone.

But in this "new normal", SOPs are the only thing that will help us curb the spread of this virus and social distancing is a major part of this. Till a vaccine is created and proven effective, we are stuck to live life in an unnatural way.

How do you spend your time during this pandemic? Have you been adopting plants? getting fat? playing video games? spending too much time on social media, digging into conspiracy theories till the wee hours of the morning? Are you keeping your sanity in check? Have you stopped moving forward? Are you stuck thinking of how good things were pre-covid? No matter how you choose to deal with this hand, let's do our part to keep the pandemic under control.

Practice social distancing, wear a mask, sanitize regularly, listen to the advice of the health ministry, stay at home if there's no need to be out, eat well and connect with your loved ones. Together, we will get through this. Stay hopeful.

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